Dividing Property in a Pierce County Divorce

Dividing Property in a Pierce County Divorce

Our family law lawyers will help you protect your home, your assets, and your retirement.

Tacoma divorce and family law attorneys can help answer your questions about property division.

Property division can be one of the most contested and argumentative parts of an Tacoma divorce, resulting in a great deal of frustration from either party. This reaction is human nature, because people routinely disagree on what constitutes a “fair” division of their hard-earned property. If the number of assets to divide in a Tacoma divorce are few, reaching an agreement can be relatively straightforward. However, when there is a large quantity of assets, the divorce can become contentious and volatile.

Most of the time, dividing property in a Pierce County divorce is equally split between the two parties, whether the property is separate or communal. Your Tacoma divorce attorney will want to talk to you before property negotiations begin, so that they can focus on securing the assets that you identify as having the most value.

Our Tacoma divorce and family law attorneys will fight hard to secure assets that you obtained before your marriage. Keep in mind that the court does not consider property obtained before marriage as “shared.”

Our Tacoma family law lawyers are skilled negotiators.

During negotiations with your ex-spouse and their attorney, you need reliable legal counsel from a Washington divorce lawyer that you can trust. Property division is one of the most important parts of your Tacoma divorce, so get help from our professional divorce lawyers and make sure your legal rights are protected.

Contact one of our professional Tacoma property division attorneys and enjoy a case consultation where you can ask any question you like. We will help you set a series of goals and work with you to start mapping out a plan to attain them. Explore your legal options by speaking directly with one of our qualified Tacoma family law lawyers – all it takes is a phone call.

If you choose one of our divorce attorneys in Tacoma, WA to represent your legal interests, you will need to disclose all of your assets immediately. Our Tacoma family law lawyers will provide you with reliable counsel as you decide how assets like furniture, jewelry, and automobiles, should be divided. When it comes to dividing property in a Pierce County divorce, our Tacoma family law attorneys will also review retirement and bank accounts to ensure that you’re getting treated fairly.

Connect with our experienced Tacoma property division attorneys today.

Problems sometimes arise during the divorce process, but with decades of collective experience, our Tacoma property division attorneys can help you with sensitive asset division issues. If you want to maintain ownership of property with personal sentimental value, like family heirlooms or prized hand-me-downs, our Tacoma divorce and family law attorneys will aggressively fight to retain them.

Washington State’s divorce laws regarding the division of property and assets are confusing. Our Tacoma divorce and family law attorneys are here to help and vow to give your case the personalized attention it demands, while working to ensure that the division of your property is fair and equitable.

Questions about property division in Pierce County, WA? Give us a call:

(425) 209-1015

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Tacoma Diivorce Lawyer - Payton Wallace

(425) 209-1015
201 St. Helens Ave
Tacoma, WA 98402