Tacoma contempt motion attorneys will help you get the support you're entitled to.

Get Your Orders Enforced!

Are you in need of immediate assistance in filing a Contempt Motion in Washington State? Our family law attorneys are here to help.

Tacoma contempt motion attorneys will help you get the support you’re entitled to.

If you’re dealing with an ex-partner who simply refuses to pay court-ordered alimony or child support, then you likely understand how damaging this type of irresponsible behavior can be. Washington State law makes provisions for you to take legal action against someone that defaults on support, and this is called a contempt of court motion. The Tacoma contempt motion lawyers at the Washington Family Law Group can help you take the necessary legal steps towards resolving this situation. With decades of combined experience in Washington, our Tacoma contempt motion attorneys will file a motion in court on your behalf meant to help get your orders enforced and the support you’re entitled to.

Children of parents that refuse to follow the rules of a support order are negatively affected by their behavior. Our Tacoma contempt motion lawyers can help you take steps to get them the support they need.

Pierce County divorce and family law help after the finalization of your divorce.

After the finalization of a divorce, it’s important to move on with your life, free from unnecessary aggravation. If your ex-spouse refuses to pay court-ordered support, our Tacoma divorce enforcement lawyers will file a motion with the court seeking to rectify this selfish behavior.

If an ex-spouse refuses to follow the terms of a court order issued by a judge, it’s called contempt of court. If they fail to pay court-ordered support or neglect their child visitation responsibilities, our Tacoma contempt motion attorneys can file a motion in court on your behalf.

Sometimes, there are honest reasons why someone may fall behind on their court-ordered support. However, if the problem persists our Tacoma contempt motion lawyers can petition the court for legal assistance.

Punishments for a contempt of court conviction in Washington State often result in fines and jail time. The court may also impose other fees against the negligent party, including your Tacoma divorce attorney’s expenses, and the accumulated court costs.

The most common form of contempt of court is failure to pay child support in a timely manner. You should talk to one of our Tacoma contempt motion attorneys immediately if your ex-spouse refuses to pay child support. This may be the only way get your orders enforced and ensure your child’s financial needs are acknowledged. Be sure to keep accurate records of your ex-spouse’s support payments, whether they make them or not, so that our Tacoma contempt motion lawyers can use this information as evidence.

Protect your future – call our Tacoma divorce enforcement lawyers today!

Your children shouldn’t have to suffer because of an ex-spouse’s negligent actions. For Pierce County divorce and family law help, talk to one of our Tacoma divorce enforcement lawyers today and find out whether you can file a contempt motion. Your case evaluation is an opportunity to get specific answers to your Tacoma contempt case and start working on a resolution. Our Tacoma contempt motion attorneys will help you determine whether a court motion is the best way to protect your future.

Need to get your family law orders enforced? Our Tacoma family law lawyers can help by filing a Motion for Contempt. Get your orders enforced! Call now for Pierce County divorce and family law help today.

(425) 209-1015

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