Tacoma Child Relocation Attorneys

Tacoma Child Relocation Attorneys

Relocating with your child after a divorce can be a challenging procedure. Let us help.

Pierce County divorce and family law help for relocating with your child.

After your parenting plan is finalized, relocating a child after a divorce presents unique challenges. Laws pertaining to the relocation of a child are complex. This is because every parenting plan is distinct, so each case must be handled based on its own merit.

If you want to prevent an ex-spouse from relocating to another state with your child, or would like information regarding relocating your own child, our experienced Tacoma child relocation lawyers are ready to help.

Our Tacoma child relocation attorneys will help you resolve your situation, and with more than three decades of collective experience resolving Tacoma parenting plan issues, we are well equipped to investigate your situation and offer trustworthy legal guidance. In Washington State, the law states that a parent can legally relocate a child if they follow proper statutory notice requirements with the other party. Our Tacoma family law attorneys understand that modifying parenting plans is often tricky, but we can help you put your plan into motion according to the law.

A parent is allowed relocate to another state without consent from a judge, but the family court will decide whether their child has permission to move along with them. Before planning an out-of-state move, you should fully understand how Washington State family law applies to your particular situation. Our Tacoma parenting plan lawyers offer valuable and relevant information meant to help you understand the law. You are required to fully acknowledge your parenting plan, so our Tacoma child relocation lawyers will ensure that any actions you take follow the necessary guidelines.

How to prevent your child from being relocated outside of Washington State.

A Washington family court judge ultimately decides whether a child is allowed to relocate, but many factors must be considered before they can. Judge’s decisions are rendered based on the children’s best interests, so they routinely consider the parenting plan along with the quality of each parent’s relationship with their children. Our Tacoma child relocation attorneys will give you the Pierce County divorce and family law help you need to ensure that you’re fully prepared for any obstacles that arise as we go through this process together.

While you can prevent a child from relocating, it could prove challenging, depending on your circumstances. In relocation cases such as these, you will benefit from the counsel of our qualified Tacoma family law attorneys. Your parenting plan was created to protect the well-being of your child, so it must be followed to the letter. Our Tacoma child relocation attorneys can offer you counsel based on decades of collective experience, which often helps to resolve these cases.

Connect with our Tacoma family law attorneys today.

Our Tacoma child relocation attorneys offer a free case evaluation, so you can get answers about relocating a child, or preventing an ex-spouse from doing the same. Relocation situations are challenging and often stressful, but our team will compassionately address your needs while making sure you get a chance to make your case. Get more details about relocation by contacting one of our Tacoma family law attorneys today.

Want to know how to prevent your child from being relocated outside of Washington State? For Pierce County divorce and family law help for relocating with your child or preventing a relocation, give us a call now:

(425) 209-1015

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