Tacoma Adoption Attorneys

Tacoma Adoption Attorneys

Our Tacoma family law lawyers can help you deal with the complicated legal and emotional aspects of an adoption in Washington State.

New spouse adoptions, termination of parental rights and other family law issues in a divorce.

When children are involved in divorce proceedings, the emotional strain for everyone involved can weigh heavy. When adoption possibilities arise during a Tacoma divorce, or if the parents are already separated, reliable legal counsel from Tacoma adoption and family law attorneys can prevent unnecessary stress and heartache.

The Tacoma adoption attorneys from the Washington Family Law Group are ready to help you deal with these complex legal issues. Washington family law clearly states a child becomes eligible for adoption if one or both parents have their parental rights terminated by the court.

Sometimes a parent may desire the termination of parental rights so that their child can be adopted by another parent. There are other important considerations that must be made, so you should take time to go over the details of your situation with one of our Tacoma adoption lawyers.

Our experienced Tacoma adoption attorneys handle a large volume of divorce cases every year, some of which involve complicated adoption issues. Parents usually want what’s best for their children, so our experienced attorneys offer legal assistance designed to help them make choices that can benefit those children.

Tacoma adoption lawyers can help with step parent adoption situations.

When one parent relinquishes their parental rights so that their ex-spouse’s new partner can petition the Tacoma court for adoption of the child, it is called a stepparent adoption (all referred to as new spouse adoptions). Our Tacoma adoption lawyers can help you handle the complications surrounding stepparent adoption in Tacoma, WA, so don’t hesitate to explain your situation.

It’s true that the legal process for a stepparent adoption is relatively straightforward, but it’s only easy if all parties involved agree to the adoption. If one parent refuses to relinquish their parental rights, the only way to facilitate the adoption is to petition the court for a forced termination. This process isn’t easy, so we will need to thoroughly assess your situation before our Tacoma adoption attorneys can pursue this kind of stepparent adoption. You should also keep in mind that sometimes a legally forced termination of parental rights is simply not possible.

Contact us for help with stepparent adoption in Tacoma, WA and other divorce issues today.

Your Tacoma adoption case requires specialized care and individual attention from an experienced litigator. Your attorney will need details concerning your situation, so that all legal options can be thoroughly investigated. The Washington State family court may require professional legal representation while dealing with your Tacoma adoption issues, so schedule a consultation with our Tacoma adoption lawyers and take a proactive stance on the situation. This allows you to confidentially discuss your legal options with an experienced Tacoma family law lawyer. Contact our legal team today, and find out how we can help you handle sensitive stepparent adoption issues in Washington State

New spouse adoptions, termination of parental rights and matters such as these can be complicated in a divorce. Adoption is often a beautiful time, but it can also be stressful. Our Tacoma adoption attorneys will help you navigate these choppy waters. Call today.

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(425) 209-1015
201 St. Helens Ave
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